How to make biceps bigger in just 7 day
If you want get bigger biceps, you’re not alone. According to the study of WHO, more than one-third people want to get bigger biceps as fast as they can. So, here we are to help you in achieving of your goal in just 7 days.
Incline dumbbell curls
Incline dumbbell curl are very versatile for your biceps and it works on your particular muscle named brachia which is the largest muscle of your biceps. It also provides large range of motion, so it is very easy to do
Spider curl
Spider curls keeps your biceps muscle under constant tension, which provides a great pump in biceps. It also works on both type of muscles like short head and long head, so your bicep can get bigger more fast.
Punching is a very easy and effective practice for you biceps bigger, because when you try punching, all the muscles of your biceps will active and being active is far better than sleeping muscles. So, Punch is also a key point for your bigger bicep.
Rope Hammer Curls
Rope hammer curls are also very important to get biceps bigger in just 7 days, because Rope hammer curls enhance arm and upper body support. It strengthen your shoulder muscles, joints, triceps muscle which are must require for bigger biceps
Try to lift weight as much as you can. Lifting weight enhances your strength to hold weight and strength is enhanced by stamina and muscles, so weight plays an important role in process of making your biceps bigger.
For bigger biceps, Diet plays an important role. You should consume high protein foods like eggs, salmon, chicken breast, tuna, lean beef, turkey breast, geek yogurt, beans and chicken. If you are vegetarian you can consider Yogurt, Pulses, beans, Salad, brown rice and maize grain.
Abdominal Exercise
Abdominal exercise is not only for lower body. It plays an important role in whole body improvement because abdominal exercise mainly targets on your Abs and chest. And chest also plays an important role to get bigger biceps.
No masturbation
Masturbating is the main reason for your small biceps. If you want to get bigger biceps, you must not masturbate. At least you should not masturbate for 7days. because the amount of sperms you loses are required a minimum of 30 days to rebuild or recreate, so your all testosterone are get used to generate new sperm cells and testosterone are also must require element to create new biceps muscle, if u will not have testosterone, your bicep muscle will not get bigger.
Conclusion of that whole article is do biceps workout on daily basis like incline dumbbell curl, spider curl, Punching Exercise, Rope Hammer curls. And Maintain your diet to provide essential Nutrients Required getting bigger biceps. And say no to masturbating, Because it will never allow your biceps muscle or even any muscle to grow because every muscle requires testosterone to grow but you just waste them by doing masturbation. So if you will follow above mentioned topics, Then Congratulation in advance because you are going to make biceps bigger in just 7 days.