Lose Weight in 1 Month With No Gym Or Diet, Here's How

We all know that weight loss requires a lot of hard work. However, several studies have shown that if we change some of our habits we can actually lose those pounds without too much effort. For example, when you're in the shower, sing a song or two. A 10-minute-long concert will help you drop around 20 calories depending on how much you weigh. Or did you know that your metabolism loves a good joke and starts working more intensively? Plus, it works out different muscles, tones your tummy and boosts your immune system! If you don’t get enough good sleep, your metabolism slows down and your appetite grows strong. The exact number of calories you burn while sleeping depends on your weight and age. But taking care of your sleep quality is good for everyone. So buy yourself a better mattress, put away all your gadgets before bed, and stick to a healthy sleeping schedule! And a relaxing hot bath is just as good for losing weight as a 30-minute walk. But there are other ways to lose excess fat. We invite you to try these cool tricks to lose weight naturally. #brightside TIMESTAMPS: Burning calories while in the bathroom 0:01 Next stop – the kitchen 0:43 Water to go 1:31 Lose weight in the car 1:51 Laughing out loud 2:40 Work routine 3:08 Household chores 5:49 Hot bath 7:44 Healthy sleep 8:03 Music by Epidemic Sound https://bit.ly/2FD65yc Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: https://bit.ly/2YizV1X Instagram: https://bit.ly/2FJi6lI 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://bit.ly/2Ymb65h Stock materials (photos, footages and other): https://bit.ly/2FJi6SK https://shutr.bz/2YuqzAg https://bit.ly/2FJi7Gi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: https://bit.ly/2YjA9WI

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